Tag Archives: curtains

A Triple Decker Post: The Bed Ruffle Apron, Valance & Kids Clothing

Okay, I know I’ve gone a little crazy with bed skirt ruffles. This is going to be a triple decker post and then I promise to stop with the bed ruffles for awhile.

1. APRONS – Talk about fast and easy! Cut the ruffle so you have enough to cover the front and side of you (the side, that’s where I usually wipe my hands), finish the ends, and add ties. What I like about this project is you can make all the women who end up helping in the kitchen on the holidays an apron and you haven’t spent more than $5 for the lot.

2. VALANCE – Just cut what you need, finish the cut ends and sew a back piece of fabric to the top to slip the curtain rod through and you’re done!

3. KIDS SKIRT – TOP – TODDLER DRESS – Again all you have to do is cut enough ruffle to fit. Sew an elastic waist band and sew the ends together and you have a skirt. Want to make it a top? Just add spaghetti or ribbon straps or go strapless and just use the elastic band.  For a toddler’s dress, the directions are the same. All of these are so cute and can be embellished with trim, or bling, and are so fast and easy. Let your imagination go wild.


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Bed Ruffle Café Curtain

I’m still going on about the versatile bed ruffle. This time I made café curtains. This curtain is so easy when you don’t have to make a ruffle.

2013-05-24 00.19.46

To make this curtain all you have to do is finish the side edges, and add some curtain rings. I found some leftover trim and added that to the top. Again the ruffle was from a $3.99 bed skirt bought at Goodwill. One bed skirt will cover several windows. The yardage will depend on the size of the bed skirt; twin, full queen or king.  The width of the ruffle may vary so take your tape measure with you to get it right.

Here's the trim I found in my sewing basket.

Here’s the trim I found in my sewing basket.

Look, there are so many things you can do with a pre-sewn ruffle, from skirting to fun summer skirts with an elastic waist. And, as always, it’s cheap, fast, and easy!


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